Close the Blinds and Turn Your Love Light On - Yanko Design

You might non be a romantic at middle or even that great at planning a memorable dinner political party. Regardless, it is well known that the ambience of your surroundings tin can brand or suspension that memorable moment-Some nice mellow tunes, peachy friends and almost importantly lighting. Unfortunately lighting requires electricity which means a high electricity bill. The consequence is a demand for a change in our thinking and adopting a more economical way of using light for our surround. Imagine if you lot will, closing the blinds and immediately having the perfect lighting effect that you lot are trying to accomplish.

The Solar vertical lamp tin requite u.s.a. that and so much more. With the blinds airtight during the day blocking the rays of the hot sun, lilliputian solar pads are beingness charged on the back of the blinds and once the dominicus goes downward, your mood lighting shines. The Solar Vertical Lamp is created by Korean designers Yoon-Hui Kim and Eun-Kyung Kim and available in a floor/tabular array lamp or a stylish chandelier. Add one to each window in your home and at night, you have a beautifully lit dwelling house and a much lower electric bill. Frugality and environmental friendliness at its best.

Designer: Yoon-Hui Kim & Eun-Kyung Kim


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