I Have to Read Things Over and Over Again to Understand

jlm11f's avatar

How exercise I stop continuosly rereading sentences without understanding them?

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Asked by jlm11f (12413 points) May 26th, 2010

I've been studying pretty much at all waking hours for the whole week. But I'm having this problem where while reading a lecture, I keep re-reading sentences several times without actually understanding/registering what it is saying. Information technology doesn't have to be a hard sentence or fifty-fifty anything complicated. It could be something equally simple as "Voluntary contractions reflect a conscious determination to increment motor unit activity while reflexes reflect non-conscious bulldoze" and I'll notwithstanding do the same thing.

Somewhen I get frustrated plenty to pay attention and understand what information technology is saying. But I don't want to take to re-read in the get-go place. Does that brand sense?

Whatsoever suggestions? I know it's probably just considering I've been studying and then much, merely it's annoying and a waste material of time. And I'thousand non even tired right now. Please brand information technology finish!

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eighteen Responds

Lightlyseared's avatar

Read the sentence backwards and then go forwards once more.

MissA's avatar

I think y'all are distracted…but that.

cheebdragon's avatar

You need to take a intermission Devi!

Draconess25's avatar

I practise the same affair. Just take a break. Go do something else. Rest your eyes.

Also, write information technology on darker paper. Vivid white paper is harder to focus on because information technology hurts your eyes, especially under fluorescent light.

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MissA's avatar

How the volume is written, probably is contrary to the way your brain accepts new data. I find that a lot of books seem to be written either for young children OR they're written and then poorly that nobody would find them a comfortable read.

Jeruba's avatar

Sometimes this happens to me fifty-fifty while I'k reading a novel for enjoyment. Something else is intruding on your attention—tin can yous identify it? Anxiety, thoughts of other content you lot're trying to recollect, anticipating and rehearsing any overall plan or schedule yous are carrying out? If you tin can focus on one affair at a time, it will help.

Or you may have reached the saturation bespeak. Even if you're tired, your brain may take just shut its intake valve for now. You lot should do some kind of right-brain activity for a while—something physical, something artistic, something holistic—and permit the left-brain traffic jam settle out. In the long run you volition probably waste less of your study fourth dimension that way.

At the judgement level, if I am just not getting something, I break information technology down grammatically. Others (in a higher place) are right that textbook authors are typically non chosen for their facile writing style. I have edited a number of such works myself and struggled hard to open up them up for the reader, just there's merely and then much yous tin can do with a book that's already been accustomed by the publisher.

""Voluntary contractions reflect a witting decision to increase motor unit activity."
...and (in contrast)...
"Reflexes reflect non-conscious drive."

That'south a outset. "While" isn't the correct conjunction; it'south casuistic because it means concurrency, non dissimilarity. Obviously these two types of muscle action are not happening in the same place at the same fourth dimension. Your tired brain may be trying to resolve logical problems in the writing while absorbing data delivered in an unsupportive manner.

PacificToast's avatar

Read slowly, connecting each word'southward meaning to the next.

reverie's avatar

I retrieve some really good advice and comments accept been given higher up. I would echo what has been said about taking a rest. I observe that when I take to report for long periods of time, taking frequent and regular scheduled breaks aid me concentrate during the "work" time. For me, continuing to work when I cannot concentrate is frustrating, and ultimately, fruitless.

The i thing that I would add together that helps me when I am struggling to concentrate, or to go my head around a detail passage, is to read aloud, and to read aloud slowly. Something about speaking the words, and the natural intonations of the vocalization, seem aid me clarify the meaning of what is being written, and absorb it much more finer than if I am only reading the words on the page. Sometimes it's merely a case of it making the unlike clauses and subclauses clear, because you naturally put in pauses and emphasis when you read aloud. For me, it is really constructive, and it helps me understand and retain what I am reading. It's likewise something that I do whenever I proof-read my ain work, considering I often don't absorb everything and notice mistakes when I am just reading off a page or screen.

LeotCol's avatar

I've been studying a lot lately too, I had to reread that sentence besides. I find that my brain just doesn't like long sentences. I generally separate them into pieces and say them out loud separately if I'm really tired.

A way to stop yourself having to reread the sentence would exist to read a tad slower and deliberately cease for half a 2d at each new role.

silverfly's avatar

I've been reading This volume for a couple weeks now and it's astonishing. It teaches you how to read a book with the sole purpose of understanding and gaining noesis. The title can throw yous off. Don't permit it… it'south literally teaches you lot how to read a volume.

Disc2021's avatar

In that location's a cognitive reason for this – from what I can recall, your head only needs a suspension. Try going for a walk/getting fresh air, eat something nutritious, mind to music and lay down for awhile, call a friend and talk for a fiddling or take a short nap.

andreaxjean's avatar

I accept the exact same problem, but I've had it since I was about 7. It would keep me from doing my homework in grade school because it would just take me too long and I was impatient about information technology. A decade later on, I was admitted to an outpatient hospitalization program considering I had been having issues with anxiety and depression and the psychiatrist there determined that I had ADHD. She put me on a medication called Concerta and information technology seemed to assistance. Nonetheless, one time I got pregnant with my daughter, I had to stop all of my medication. I haven't been on the Concerta for about iii years and I still have a lot of problems with it. I found that reading more slowly and moving my lips while I read will help me comprehend what Im reading improve. It doesn't always work, though, and I occasionally do have to reread things.

I really do recommend talking to someone, whether it's a therapist or psychiatrist. They can give y'all pointers on ways to meliorate your studying progress. Prescribing meds isn't the only thing doctors are adept for, you know. =] Good luck!

lifeflame's avatar

Yous're at saturation point. Go take a run around the block—it volition help articulate your mind.

And so, if you are even so stuck, you might notice dissimilar ways to procedure the information.
For example, you might draw a diagram or something to explicate the human relationship of the ideas.
Or you can imagine paraphrasing the thought to a classmate or immature child, which will forcefulness you to break the concepts down into seize with teeth-sized pieces.

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kyraugh's avatar

You may only exist bored of what you're reading and in turn gloss over the text. I do it all the time. If you're non actually interested in what is being said it is unlikely you'll retain it.

Candoguy's avatar

I've had this problem since I was about 8 years old (probably longer). I first noticed information technology when I was attempting to read some text in contest with some other school daughter. She managed to read it faster than I could and I was left feeling a hopeless failure.

I have read very few books in my life because I discover reading very hard work. The process just requires and then much energy and endeavour that I become very frustrated and bellyaching that I tin't procedure the text and absorb the meaning very easily.

The paradox is that I've always been very proficient at writing, composition and spelling. I'd love to be able to read easily and finish a book similar most other people exercise.

I've learned recently of ADHD in adults and wondered if it applies to me. I was statemented for a form of dyslexia called hyperlexia about 12 years ago, but I've had no handling for it.

Does anyone recognise this or accept any ideas?


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Source: https://www.fluther.com/85763/how-do-i-stop-continuosly-rereading-sentences-without-understanding-them/

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