How You Know When It Time for a New Phone

If you're similar most people, your smartphone is the first matter yous check in the morning and the last thing y'all bank check before yous sleep.

Y'all too selection it upwards several times during the day either in a bid to find out what your friends are upwards to, to get your listen off a stressful project, to feel better near your overflowing inbox, or to rid yourself of boredom in the toilet.

Just, not all the fourth dimension you spend on your phone is hurting you, of course. Phones can help you stay connected with family unit far away, can help you rails your productivity each day, and can also help you stay informed about everything, from the upcoming elections to the Kardashians.

Only information technology's no clandestine that sometimes (or, most of the time) your smartphone tin can affect your productivity. Notification beeps can hinder your focus, social comparison on social media can make you feel shoddy about your own life, and did you see how Khloe celebrated her daughter'due south birthday during the quarantine? Ugh.

Knowing how much and how often yous use your devices can assist y'all gain valuable insights into your digital well-beingness and practiceself-care.

So, how much telephone time are you exposing yourself to during a workday (particularly, considering you might exist working from abode right at present)?

Let's look at a few screen time statistics to find out.

Table of Contents

How Much Time Does The Boilerplate Person Spend On Their Telephone?

Whether you're looking for iPhone screen fourth dimension or android screen time, hither are a few statistics on screen fourth dimension to reply your questions.

1. A study of 11k RescueTime users plant that people spend around three hours and 15 minutes a day on phones .

Let'southward spread out geographically and look at the corporeality of time spent by people from different countries.

2. As per eMarketer , the boilerplate US adult spends 3 hours and 43 minutes on their mobile devices.

TV and Mobile Devices: Average Time spent in the US screentime stats

That's roughly fifty days a year.

3. And the average screen fourth dimension in the UK stands at 3 hours 23 minutes per day as per CodeComputerLove .

Simply averages tin can be tricky, so let's read more than into these numbers.

Phone Addiction: How Oft Do We Cheque Our Phones?

4. The data of xi,000 RescueTime users shows that the top xx% of smartphone users spend more than iv.5 hours on their phones during weekdays.

While we are at it, the average person spends more than time on their phone during their weekday than they practice during weekends.

But, how does it thing how much time nosotros're spending on our phones? Peradventure it's because nosotros're catching up on a new flavor of a Netflix show. Information technology's not during work hours when someone compulsively uses their smartphone, you lot know.

Well, I'chiliad glad you asked.

v. Most people check their phones 58 times a day . 30 of those times are during work hours.

So, no, your total screen time is non impacting your efficiency, it'southward how frequently you are picking upward your phone and getting distracted.

On average, we pick up our phones - screentime stats

If you think information technology doesn't matter how many times you choice up your phone, think again.

6. Near people spend roughly 1 minute 15 seconds on their phone in one case they selection it up. And we pick our phones upwards roughly every i hour and 43 minutes.

From a lower-end estimate, this equates to losing 37.5 minutes a solar day during working hours to your smartphone.

7. lxx% of the phone-pick-upward sessions are less than ii minutes in length. But they can start a chain reaction. 50% of screen fourth dimension sessions offset within 3 minutes of the previous one.

A single pickup can set off a chain reaction

But, why does information technology fifty-fifty thing?

The human activity of compulsive checking can be hazardous to our productivity.

8. According to a study by the University of California Irvine , it takes an average of 23 minutes and 15 seconds to become back to the deep focus you lot had on a chore once yous have been distracted.

9. AMA institute that even brief mental blocks tin can cause y'all to lose every bit much as 40% of your productive time.

If you think most of the time yous spend on your phone is washed doing "productive" activities, the in-depth study by CodeComputerLove volition prove otherwise.

What do you use your phone for? screentime stats

Don't showtime blaming the Millenials but nevertheless. Information technology's not merely them who are addicted to their phones.

10. In its US users' screen time statistics , Apple tree found, Gen Ten spends 169 minutes on their phone per day and Baby Boomers spend 136 minutes.

Comparing the screen time

11. While it might seem similar a significant deviation when taken per day, each generation spends over a month on their phone per year.

And so, no one is immune to the harmful effects our smartphones accept on our mental health and productivity. And the coronavirus has only made things worse.

COVID-19 And ScreenTime

12. Written report by eMarketer has plant that attributable to the pandemic, electronic device usage about doubled among kids in the US.

US Children/teens in COVID 19

13. According to some other report by OLX Republic of india , screen time was upward by 100% for children during the lockdown.

14. A study conducted in Prc found that virtually lxx% of the 1033 participants spent more fourth dimension looking at screens after the COVID-19 outbreak.

15. Another study, examining the effects of COVID-nineteen on adolescents and young adults, found that the average screentime has increased from three.5 hours to v.1 hours.

16. A report published in Cambridge Open Appoint nerveless data from more than than three,000 Iowa State Academy faculty, staff, students, and alumni located all over the state from April 3 to seven and constitute that screentime had increased past xx-xxx% on average during the crisis.

Since the crisis and our screens aren't going anywhere someday shortly, it is by taking control of our digital well-beingness that we tin utilise screens to our advantage.

How To Reduce Your Average Screen Time?

Hither are some quick steps to reduce your average screen time and go more work and productivity out of every day.

Track your screen time : You can't improve what y'all don't measure. Thankfully, there are many tools like RescueTime and Fourth dimension Doctor that can assist you monitor you screen time and even block distracting websites.

Do a smartphone cleanse : Delete apps you don't truly use or get do good from. You do not need social media apps on your telephone. While nosotros are at a smartphone cleanse, maintain a minimalist home screen. Only let the frequently needed apps remain. By retaining the minimum, you will not get sucked into the scrolling rabbit hole.

Ready your screen to appear monochrome during work hours : It is shocking how much the colors proceed us glued in. Instagram wouldn't seem so pretty if all was in black and white. Facebook would lose its entreatment with the loss of color. Turn on your telephone's grayscale style when you piece of work.

Turn off your phone'southward notifications : Most of the things which catch your attention can wait. If yous answer a detail text a little late, no i will heed. The email tin can look until subsequently too. It's the red dot and fizz which kill your catamenia and focus. You can open them when you lot have the fourth dimension – and respond at your own pace.

Allot times for no devices : Spend an hr or two each mean solar day or week where yous don't check your phone or any other device. During the time you lot set aside, yous could melt, read, write, walk, nap – do anything except checking your phone. You won't miss much in an hour, but your listen will feel brand new.

Fix a time for checking your media platforms and your electronic mail : Organize your schedule with some social media time. During the allotted time, all you will do is check your accounts and reply to emails. Log the time into your calendar and stick to it. Your brain will adapt to checking them concurrently every 24-hour interval. You can also rid yourself of all the guilt caused by the frequent scrolling when you're not supposed to.

Resist the temptation to check your phone during the first hour of morning and nighttime : Screens disrupt your melatonin production, which in turn affects the quality of your sleep. Poor sleep quality volition be evident in your mood, operation, and productivity. An 60 minutes before bedtime, put your telephone away.

Read a volume, spend fourth dimension with your family unit, tick items from your bucket listing, periodical (here are some writing prompts and a few things you tin write about ), proceed a walk, or practice some light yoga instead. In the forenoon, allow Instagram or Facebook not be the beginning things you see. Develop a forenoon routine focused only on you . Enjoy a quiet cup of coffee, cook yourself a wholesome and healthy breakfast, or practise some light stretching.

Concluding Thoughts

Screens aren't completely awful. If used correctly, they can contribute more than to our efficiency. The key is to non let them get the all-time of us.

Understanding screen time and its effect on our work tin can have us a step closer to digital wellbeing.




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